The Passing Period

February 3, 2009

Adrian in the Surf

Filed under: Uncategorized — by jacksonhmills @ 2:30 pm
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Rocky III is great because it’s the story of one man that got cocky, was beaten down, and is rebuilt through the strength of his will. Forget that it introduces Hulk Hogan and Mr. T to the world. Forget the racial undertones and the positive (?) social message. I like Rocky III because of one scene between Rocky and Adrian, in the Los Angeles Surf.

In said scene, Adrian gives Rocky a real talking-to. She asks him what he’s scared of. She tells him there’s nothing in this life that can’t be replaced. She tells him to believe in himself.

I don’t have an Adrian. I’m single. I’ve been single for eight months, and no way am I knocking on her door. My parents do not live in town. I have some close friends and that’s good. But nobody to really yell at me and tell me to get back on my feet.

Then again, I don’t exactly feel “off of my feet.” I’m just very disappointed. I’m mostly disappointed in my (former) company. I’m disappointed that the president and vice president of said company were not in the office while the layoffs occurred. (Were they late getting in? Or hiding out?)

I’m disappointed in myself, thus: I’m disappointed that I haven’t been saving for this. Instead, I’ve been telling people that I would save. But I didn’t. I have a little cash, and I have some debt, such that I am overall in the red. Unless, of course, you count the IRA. But who would crack that open?

I’m disappointed that my company would only offer two weeks’ severance pay. I’m happy that they’ve decided to offer me insurance until the end of the month. I’m disappointed that they’re not giving me my one day of vacation this year.

My company bills $117 an hour (actual figure). With benefits, I was possibly $30 per hour worth of cost. I’m disappointed that my company couldn’t make that equation work.

Anyway, as I said yesterday: I am not an emotional type. I was not the only one laid off yesterday, however. And I know some of them are taking this pretty rough.

Nine of us were laid off in total. None of us were entry-level. None of us were new at the company. Nobody was in management. We were all rank and file. Two of the women laid off were married. One man that was laid off has a wife and kids. I’m pretty sure that at least four of us are single, which means that none of us have an Adrian. Or a Rocky (those three are women).

Pink Slips Are Not Actually Pink

Filed under: Uncategorized — by jacksonhmills @ 7:52 am
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I was laid off from my job this morning.

This evening, I decided to start a blog about my unemployment. This is that blog.

In introducing myself, I should state that I’m not a sentimental person. I’m mad that I was laid off, and I think it’s a shitty situation, but I’m not going to cry a river. In fact, I didn’t give anyone the benefit of seeing any tears. You know, except for a few people on the street, when it finally hit me.

I worked at the company for 19 months. I assumed my job was safe because I was busy. In hindsight, the work I was doing was not up to par of someone with four years’ experience copywriting.

So I was shocked this morning, but I’m not now.

This morning I was laid off. I had taken the bus to work. I thought about walking home, but decided the bus would be the better option. Today I have done three things:

1) I watched Rocky III. I had started it a few days ago, and I got the feeling that it was just the sort of thing for someone recently beaten. It was.

2) I filed for unemployment. This was on the advice of my creative director, who laid me off. It took a little over an hour. I can’t take money from it for another week.

3) I made lots of phone calls.

I guess I should add a #4 to this. I started a blog.

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